The Keys to Success While Building in an Occupied Facility - Lakewood Construction

The Keys to Success While Building in an Occupied Facility

Adam Seng, Senior Project Manager

While no building project is ever easy, there are certainly circumstances that can make it easier. However, in construction, we can’t focus on the easy. Our job is to determine the sticking points of any given project in order to make sure it goes as smoothly as possible. One of those points that needs to be thought through with extreme care is working in an occupied facility. Working around employees and/or guests means increased communication, planning, and collaboration from start to finish.

Communication: Communicating with those that may be using the surrounding space is an important part of ensuring day to day operations are maintained. Communicating early and often helps both parties understand the needs and expectations in order to take the steps to meet them.

Planning: From phasing to logistics, the planning portion is key to making sure that the necessary infrastructure operations are able to continue with little to no interruption. An important step in the planning phase is conducting a risk analysis. This looks over any risk that may be involved in any given project and puts together the necessary steps to mitigate that risk.

Collaboration: Collaboration from the very beginning means keeping all parties involved in the decisions being made throughout. Working close with clients during the planning phase allows us to best understand their operations in order work around their needs. This also allows us to understand the systems that are already in place, which creates a smooth transition if any switchovers need to happen.

No matter the project, working in an occupied space is always something that needs to be carefully thought through. Putting the time and effort in up front and maintaining communication throughout allows for the most seamless construction process for all parties involved. A successful project in an occupied facility not only means a great end result, but it also means a great project experience for everyone from start to finish.